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12 Rev-Time Complex

12 Rev-Time Complex

12 Rev-Time Complex: Reverse 12 Hallmarks of Aging

Regular price $75.00
Regular price $109.00 Sale price $75.00
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  • FIVE KEY ANTI-AGING INGREDIENTS: Ca-AKG, Quercetin, Pterostilbene, Fisetin, Spermidine
  • 120 CAPSULES
  • Take 4 Capsules Daily, WITH OR WITHOUT FOOD
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BalanceGenics 12 RevTime Complex

12 Rev-Time: Slow Your Aging



1. What is 12 Rev-Time?

BalanceGenics 12 Rev-Time is a high-quality supplement designed to reverse the 12 hallmarks of aging. Our scientifically-backed formula aims to help you achieve your health goals while slowing your aging process.


2. Key Features


  • Ultra-High Quality:
    Every batch is third-party lab tested to ensure purity, integrity, and consistency.


  • Natural Ingredients: Free from artificial ingredients, GMOs, wheat, gluten, yeast, soy, corn, milk, or preservatives.


  • Suitable for All: Whether you are looking to boost daily performance or seeking anti-aging solutions, 12 Rev-Time is your ideal choice.


  • Synergy Effect: Taking our 12 Rev-Time in combination with our NMN supplements can optimize your anti-aging performance.


3. Key Ingredients and Benefits:


  • Calcium Alpha-Ketoglutarate (1000mg /daily): Provides a key metabolite required for cellular energy production, enhancing exercise performance.


  • Quercetin (500mg /daily):
    Supports the immune system and helps clear out senescent "zombie" cells.


  • Pterostilbene (250mg /daily):
    Activates sirtuin proteins that regulate cellular and metabolic processes, maintaining the epigenome.


  • Fisetin (100mg /daily):
    A senolytic compound that removes senescent cells and supports immunity.


  • Spermidine (900mcg /daily):
    A potent inducer of autophagy, enhancing mitochondrial function.

More information:


The Essence of Aging: Unveiling the 12 Hallmarks of Aging


The Anti-Aging Supplements Dr. David Sinclair Takes Besides NMN


David Sinclair's Anti-Aging Secret: Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AKG) 


Why Don't We Choose Resveratrol for Anti-aging?


Balancegenics's Golden Standards for Choosing Raw Materials

Science Behind 12 Rev-Time


Why It Works?

The pioneer researcher Carlos López-Otín and his team identified 9 Hallmarks of Aging in 2013 and later expanded it to 12 Hallmarks, which are a set of biological processes and features that contribute to the aging of cells and organisms. The 12 Hallmarks include genomic instability, telomere attrition, epigenetic alterations, loss of proteostasis, and disabled macroautophagy, deregulated nutrient-sensing, mitochondrial dysfunction, cellular senescence, stem cell exhaustion stem cell exhaustion, altered intercellular communication, chronic inflammation , and dysbiosis .


These hallmarks are interconnected and collectively drive the aging process. By targeting these hallmarks, researchers aim to develop therapies to extend healthy lifespan and reduce the burden of age-related diseases. Based on extensive authoritative human experimental research, the 12 REV-TIME formula has selected the most effective ingredients to specifically target these hallmarks:


  • Spermidine:
    Reverses all 12 hallmarks of aging.


  • Fisetin:
    Addresses 6 hallmarks, including genomic instability and mitochondrial dysfunction.


  • Calcium Alpha-Ketoglutarate: Addresses 4 hallmarks, including epigenetic alterations and chronic inflammation


  • Quercetin: Targets 3 Hallmarks such as genomic instability, cellular senescence, and chronic inflammation.


More information:


What is Pterostilbene? Why is it better than Resveratrol?


Spermidine: A Powerful Anti-Aging Compound to Defy Time

How To Take

Take 4 Capsules Daily, With Or Without Food.

Or As Directed By Your Healthcare Professional.

120 Capsules/Bottle, 1 Month Supply Per Bottle


This formula is made with a powerful combination of ingredients that have been shown in research studies to promote longevity and improve healthspan.

Tested independently by third-party laboratories to confirm high purity and low heavy metal content.

Made in USA. Top Quality Guarantee.

Real People. Real Results

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