Health Supplementation Doesn't Need To Be Complicated.

Like the name implies, BalanceGenics offers a lineup of the highest-quality supplements specifically formulated to support all areas of health for all people.

We believe health doesn't have to be complicated, and with our easy to understand Framework of Health, we can build an optimal nutrition strategy for anyone, no matter where they are in life.

Health Solutions You Can Understand & Trust.

Unfortunately, little is done to educate consumers on why, how and when you should take supplements and even less is shared about what to do outside of supplementation such as lifestyle modifications. After all, your health is impacted by your biology and physiology, mental/emotional health as well as your spiritual and vibrational health. At BalanceGenics, our goal is to provide sensible, easy to understand products and guidance to support a happy, successful and healthy lifestyle.

BalanceGenics is defined as that which creates balance and equilibrium.

The definition says it all. It is our mission is to support your body as a whole, to reach its primal balance through nutrition, healthy lifestyle habits, and advanced supplement formulations.


bal·ance | \ ˈba-lən(t)s
1: Physical Equilibrium
2: A state in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions: Harmony, Stability.


gen·ic | \ ˈjē-nik
1: Producing: forming


Your body is designed to strive for vitality, strength, love and vibrant energy.


The body has many dimensions that flow together and complement each other affecting the body as a whole.


Knowledge empowers the individual to understand how the body functions. The effects of certain habits present a vision of what is truly possible.


Consistent application is key to experiencing long term results. At BalanceGenics we focus on long term care and long-term results vs quick fixes.


The BalanceGenics product line has been specifically formulated & crafted with the very best ingredients to ensure we deliver only the highest quality supplements.


Love can be defined as a profoundly tender, passionate affection. At BalanceGenics, you can feel this in every aspect of the company from the CEO to the person shipping out your high-quality products.

Customer Reviews


BalanceGenics is a proud American-owned business based out of Park City, Utah. Known as 'Winter's Favorite Town,' many people come to Park City for the winters and stay for the summers. With an abundance of outdoor activities and adventures all around us here, the corporate team can be found skiing, biking & hiking the beautiful trails that surround us when we aren't working (and sometimes when we are working).

Our manufacturing and fulfillment teams are based in Utah, Illinois, and California. We are quickly growing and always interested in adding fresh faces to our team. If you are sharp, passionate, health-minded, and most importantly kind, we would love to hear from you. Email your resume and any supporting documentation to

Our Quality Pledge

At BalanceGenics, we stand by quality. We understand how life changing it is to choose supplements that are crafted with the best quality ingredients to nourish and support every cell of your body. Our team of health and wellness experts is passionate and dedicated to ensuring that our supplements are compliant with the best industry practices to ensure safety, integrity and consistency.

High Quality Ingredients

The BalanceGenics product line has been specifically formulated with the very best ingredients to ensure we deliver only the highest quality supplements.

3RD-Party Tested

All of our products are manufactured in the US in FDA approved GMP certified facilities, and are 3rd party tested for purity and potency.


All of our supplements are non-GMO and free of binders, artificial additives, preservatives, added sugars, gluten, soy, dairy, and caffeine.